凹3写手, 主主英文; 我只是一个记录我cp的biographer; 故事亦是真实亦是幻象, 你信则明; 最近时常猫在Scribe家窗前记录他和建筑家的小日常.


From:The Physics of Present Tense [AO3]



  • He is seven.  He is a big brother.  He is no longer alone.  He looks down at greybluegreen eyes and his baby brother stares back and they smile in unison.

    He tries out the unfamiliar consonants and vowels (much like his own).


  • The first five months after Sherlock is born, he is noisy.  He is always crying, babbling, bubbling, screeching, anything and everything to make himself heard.  Then, suddenly, he quiets.

    Everyone in the house breathes in guilty relief, thank God that bloody racket is gone, but Mycroft misses it.  Sherlock is fascinating.  And Mycroft seems to be the only one who notices the real quiet and why.

    Sherlock stares out from under his unruly dark curls, watching, his eyes focusing intently until he’s distracted by something shiny or something moving or simply when he loses interest.   It seems normal in a baby, a regular cognitive function, but Mycroft observes Sherlock; his little brother is different:  he doesn’t just watch, he sees.    [他不只是看,他会观察]

  • Mycroft trails him around the house, because Sherlock doesn’t want to be carried, unless he’s too tired and petulant to put up a fight.    [这句太可爱了~micky跟踪sherly,micky抱sherly,sherly不肯,他们就打架(打累了,micky就可以抱弟弟了。误。)]

  • Mycroft fetches things Sherlock can’t reach or helps build tall, trembling towers so they can both reach.    [从出生就被哥哥宠]

  • He is like sustained lightning shooting through the house and Mycroft is eight, nine, ten, waiting for the pursuing thunder.    [他就像一个接连不断的贯穿整间屋子的闪电,mycroft八岁,九岁,十岁,等待着跟随其后的雷鸣][这句话写得特别好]

  • Then he realises he is the thunder when Sherlock is four and a neighbour child knocks Sherlock down into a puddle of muddy water as he pokes and prods at earthworms, and the sodding ragamuffin tries to take his brother’s wellies.  Mycroft doesn’t think, he acts, backhanding the kid who’s a head taller than Sherlock, giving him a punch to his sickeningly soft belly and then the little bastard runs off crying, blood dripping between his fingers.  Sherlock doesn’t cry, just turns his face into the slow rain and then pats the mud surrounding him, letting his fingers sink.  Mycroft knows he was scared, but Sherlock still doesn’t cry, digging holes with an angry expression.

  • He is four and he discovers he isn’t the only one with a sibling; however, he is the only one who has Mycroft.he has the Holmes brain and Mycroft kneels to his level so they can see eye to eye because Sherlock is fascinated by his brother and Mycroft is fascinated by him.    [MOTIVATION][情愫动机]

  • Mycroft has Lion (who is named Lion because you can’t properly name a lion, can you, the King of the Jungle cannot be tamed with a mere name)
    Sherlock has Bear (who is too fearsome and ferocious for something as constraining as Gerald or Peter or Reginald or any other name his father suggested)    [括号解释完美]

  • Sherlock’s learning the violin and duets with Mycroft,they both scorn playing for an audience, even one so polite as their parents

  • He occasionally forgets about food until Mycroft or Mummy snags him and plunks him into a chair. He runs and runs and runs and runs. His mind is big and it echoes and he’s dropping coins in the well to make noise.    [ runs and runs and runs~ 可爱]

  • The Holmes brothers continue on their trajectory, their minds devouring everything in sight. Big brother, little brother. Mycroft smirks, waits patiently for Sherlock’s brain to catch up with itself in its typical feverish fashion and Sherlock sighs in irritation because  sometimes Mycroft is so bloody smug.    [俩兄弟日常]

  • Life continues the way it does, steady stepping stone by steady stepping stone. They aren’t overly affectionate in public or private; they’re too busy teaching each other about each other.    [features describing are fascinating ]

  • Mycroft at thirteen has suddenly gone quiet; sometimes he doesn't know what to say. Sherlock’s only five,but Mycroft can feel it as Sherlock watches his brother become private and closed in on himself.    [这句话没太懂][mycroft十三岁的时候突然寡言少语,他不知道有时候他该说什么。sherlock仅仅五岁,但是当sherlock察觉到他的哥哥变得个人和封闭自己时,mycroft能够感觉到。]

    So his little brother asks questions, because he can, because Mycroft will answer him, even if it takes him ten minutes to do it, that’s just time enough for Sherlock to think up new questions. Constantly.    [Constantly的使用和原作有很大的关联,出自——S1E01,mycroft:I worry about him,constantly]

  • 他们看到一只蓝色的鸟撞向了mycroft房间的玻璃,当场暴毙而亡。

    “Didn’t it see the window?” Sherlock asks and Mycroft shakes his head.

    “How could it not see—“

    “Sometimes all they see is space and think they can keep flying,” His brother explains things because he knows Sherlock will understand.     “Or they see their reflection and think it’s another bird.”

    “So they attack it,” Sherlock says.

    Mycroft doesn’t reply, just wipes his hand on the grass. He wants to take the bird apart, see its bones, see where the little wings grow out.  

    Maybe its heart is smashed.  Mycroft made a mechanical heart for Bear when Sherlock cut Bear open and discovered he didn’t have a heart.  Maybe the bird’s heart is smashed.

    He wants to see.  He has scissors.

    When he glances up, Mycroft is watching him with a look in his eyes, as if he knows, as if he’s sad or upset.

    But Sherlock isn’t upset.  The dead bird is interesting, it’s fantastic, it’s something new

    Like usual, Mycroft reads his mind.

    He's five; he ends up with a pair of blood-slippery scissors and the wings of a dead bird.


  • He stomps into the house and hides for three hours before reappearing, crawling under Mycroft’s desk, resting his tired, angry head against Mycroft’s shins while he studies. Mycroft passes him a couple of biscuits and a handwritten maths problem and things slowly tilt back to normal.    [生气的小sherly会钻到mycroft的桌下,将头抵在哥哥的胫骨上。哥哥用饼干和自己写的数学题安抚了这只小家伙][太可爱了QAQ]

  • Mycroft is fourteen and Sherlock is seven.当mycroft在课余时间阅读高阶教材时。
    Sherlock reads with him, piled in his lap, complaining about Mycroft’s knees and elbows, and Mycroft meticulously learns to control his limbs, though they seem to shoot out of his control. The two of them go through the chapters separately and meet somewhere in the middle; Sherlock talks with his hands and Mycroft corrects him with the text.    [小小的软软的四岁的sherly坐在哥哥用腿圈起来的空间里,一起阅读14岁+的教材。sherly会抱怨mycroft不太安分的膝盖和肘部时,mycroft会认真细致地去克制它们摆动。sherly咿咿呀呀手舞足蹈,而mycroft会用课本的内容去修正它。]    [齁甜了。]

  • Sherlock fights like a wild animal and Mycroft fights with an efficiency of energy. He tries teaching Sherlock and he knows Sherlock understands, but Sherlock is nothing if not contrary; he’ll fight how he likes, the rest of the world be damned.    [mycroft揍人喜欢效率又有能量,sherlock揍人喜欢放飞自我,释放本性。]

  • Mycroft is fifteen and Sherlock is eight. This is the last time he will have to physically intimidate anyone, anyone. And he does it for Sherlock. The first fight in the rain so long ago wasn’t the last; he’s defended himself, sure, but he’s defended Sherlock more. And Mycroft makes sure to be there. 
    This time, the snot-nosed prat is Mycroft’s age and that isn’t the only injustice, he’s a fucking bully to boot. A typical bully without a brain in his head and Sherlock hooks a lucky foot to get the red-faced bastard on his back, but it’s Mycroft who kicks him in the ribs, punches him when he tries to rise, a one-two to the head, and then settles his shoe on the wanker’s throat. He gently puts his weight on his leg and the bully’s eyes bulge, so Mycroft calls it a victory. 


  • His brother is quiet most of the time, but talks in other people’s silences, filling them with details and information and a smiling rudeness that’s gotten him almost throttled on several occasions.     [sherlock从小就有不鸣则已一鸣惊人的嘴炮技能]

  • Sherlock’s bleeding from the temple and he’s shaken enough to let Mycroft pull him close, holding Sherlock against his side, his sleeve absorbing Sherlock’s blood until they can get home.    
    The white bandage in his brother’s dark hair is stark and Mycroft knows this isn’t the last time he’ll see Sherlock injured, but he can try and prevent it. Control is an act of will.    [糖块+玻璃渣]

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