凹3写手, 主主英文; 我只是一个记录我cp的biographer; 故事亦是真实亦是幻象, 你信则明; 最近时常猫在Scribe家窗前记录他和建筑家的小日常.




  • 十五岁的sherlock,无法忍受家里回声重叠,因mycroft的离开感到孤独而不自知,习惯性离家出走(不辞而别去不远不近的小镇漂泊):


Then Mycroft appears, out of thin air, like a summoned genie and he recognises this brother now since Sherlock’s grown to catch up with him (he will always catch Mycroft, always). Mycroft can find him, regardless of the circumstances, Mycroft never fails to find him;their mother calls him a homing pigeon and Sherlock would tease Mycroft about iron filings in his nose, attuned to Sherlock like a magnet.

Mycroft manhandles him into a car and forgets to let go of Sherlock once they’re installed and moving along the road.

“If you wanted my attention, Sherlock, there are easier ways to go about obtaining it,” his brother says, stiffly, as if he’s uncertain about something and Sherlock smirks.

“Not everything is about you, Mycroft,” he says, but it’s an ashy lie in his mouth and Sherlock is briefly overwhelmed, like an out-of-body experience: he only has Mycroft, no one else.

He thinks Mycroft says something, a usual cutting retort they’ve been whetting on each other since they discovered polysyllabic words, but he doesn’t catch it, so he says, “How’s the big bad world out there? Discovered any new bakeries? Formulated any new cake recipes?”

Mycroft’s eyes narrow, like his but darker, and then his mouth curves into a dark smile. “Don’t you have small vertebrate mammals to torture?”

And somehow, that hurts more than most, more than the squeeze of Mycroft’s fingers on his arm, almost as much as when Mycroft left. He tries to jerk out of the tight grasp, but Mycroft doesn’t let go and when he finally deigns to look at his brother, Mycroft’s gaze is pained.

“I. I didn’t—“

Sherlock waves his free hand and stares out the window. Mycroft lets go and then threads their fingers together, like when Sherlock was four and they went to the fairgrounds and Sherlock wasn’t worried about getting lost, but Mycroft was.

He can’t breathe. Their palms press together and Sherlock can’t breathe. There is a rush to his head, like when the kaleidoscope falls together and his insight is perfect and he doesn’t have to look to hit the bullseye.   

  • [少年青春期的躁动]

    Sherlock is sixteen and Mycroft is twenty-three and Sherlock feels himself settling into his skin. He’s whippet-thin and he doesn’t care, he’s learned to move quickly and efficiently in this body and it hasn’t failed him yet, except the time he crawled over the ancient stone wall and sprained his ankle when he landed, and the time he bruised his ribs on the school gate, and the time he came home with a black eye. His bloodstream thrums with hormones and he knows what’s happening and he dismisses it; he takes care of himself, bringing himself off, and is grateful no one ever tried to explain this to him, not even Mycroft, because the menacing ostracism at school is bad enough, he doesn’t need awkward humiliation on top of it simply because he’s passing through a natural stage, just like everybody else, even Mycroft.

    He doesn’t have the patience for this, he just wants it over with so he can move on. The slip of water over his body is distracting now; the movement of his clothes along his skin is distracting now; the carefully reckless lines of Mycroft and how he says Sherlock’s name are distracting now – Sherlock’s heart locks between one beat and the next.    

  • It flashes to him: sitting on his bed, naming the foot bones of his brother and the look on his face when he grabbed Sherlock and said, Stop it, Sherlock, stop.

  • He dreams of Mycroft. And Mycroft says his name in his sleep when Sherlock is sneaking through the hallway at night because he woke, aching and sticky, and he couldn’t quiet himself down enough to pass out again. He goes into the garden and plays Mendelssohn and loses the rest of the universe until Mycroft appears to bring him indoors as the sun is burning the horizon.

    Mycroft looks as sleepless as he is. They’re both sleepless for days on end.



  • Running his fingertips over Mycroft’s shoulder, he shows him the revised blueprints for the steam engine, now with added balance and limbs for wings so maybe it will achieve lift, and Mycroft shivers under his hand. He takes a step back and Sherlock unconsciously follows him and Mycroft says, “Don’t. Please.”

    His voice cracks between the two words as if they’re paragraphs and Sherlock reads between the lines.

    [sherlock的指尖压过mycroft的肩膀,他向mycroft展示自己修改过的蒸汽机设计蓝图,它附加了平衡和似乎能够飞行的羽翼,mycroft在他的手指下战栗。他向后退了一步,而sherlock无意识地跟进脚步,mycroft说:“Don’t. Please.”]

  • This is monumental. Mycroft is the other side of his intellect; all his genetics and blood and bone and the more controlled half of him contained in the form of his brother. The lightning rod.
    The house is big, but it doesn’t echo anymore.



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